Sunday, March 8, 2009

Going on When You Want to Quit

Today was a great day for me. I was afforded the opportunity to preach in the preaching city of Wichita, Ks at the Bethlehem Baptist Church. As my fiance' (Tanya) and I drove 175 miles this morning to get there, and 175 miles to get home, I realized that God DOES indeed give us strength to go on in spite of how we may feel at times.

What am I talking about? If I may share some intimate thoughts, I have days, weeks, even months where I feel like what God has called me to is futile, even fruitless at times. I have those moments where I almost want to revert and go the other way. With all of the mess surrounding not just the workplace, but the place of worship, it's almost easy to leave it all alone. But, putting things in perspective and taking and introspective look at it all, the realization that God has a plan and He has the final say makes going on the goal of the day.

Our focal point is the 26th chpt of Matthew, a place called Gethsemane. The Jesus that we know is seen in a way that is not totally normal for Him. His phraseology seems to suggest that He was at breaking point; 'my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, even to the point of death.' says Jesus to His disciples. Then Jesus says in His prayer to the Father, 'if it is possible, may this cup be taken away from me.....' This is the language of a man who is contemplating giving up. Not only contemplating, but has concluded that this is the next best alternative to the current events of his life. This being said, Jesus' actions create workable actions for us as we go thru as well.

To go on from where you are you must first ADMIT WHERE YOU ARE. Jesus says in our text 'my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, even to the point of death....' As easy as this sounds, many folk have the hardest time simply admitting to God, who already knows, where they are at; a) spiritually...... and, b) socially.......! Understand that God is not a God that does not understand shortcomings or stumblings, He is ready, willing and able to move you from where you are to where you need to be.

Not just admittance, but then we ought to ASK GOD TO HELP. Jesus says, 'Father if you are willing, take this cup from me........' If you ask God He is able to HEAR YOUR HURT; HEAL YOUR HEART and even HIGHTEN YOUR HOPE.

Then ACCEPT GOD'S PURPOSE AND PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE. Jesus says, Father if it is NOT possible for this cup to be taken away from me, may your will be done.....' We must learn to accept the assistance of God for our most tough and trying times. Where we are going, God IS already. He knows whats best and He has already made the way. Instead of giving up, we ought to learn to give in to the WILL and the WAY of God, and we can then be a WITNESS that when you go on in spite of, God will definitely make a way out of no way.


Pastor Rev. Ray E. Owens said...

Big Brother,

Welcome to the blogging community. I pray this will be an experience that will enhance your writing skills because you already are a great preacher in delivery. Good sermon doc,

Keep running,


Elderbc2 said...

Hey Kevin,

It's good to see you sharing your thoughts about the Gospel and this magnificent call that we have. It does get difficult sometimes, but God requires that we be good stewards. We can't turn back because we don't want to be found unworthy of the gospel plow! Keep doing what you're doing man because you are a blessing and I know that the youth would want to kill you if you quit, LOL!